Frequently Asked Questions

Click any of the links below to find the answer to some of our most frequently asked questions.

Why advertise with


  • Our websites receive millions of visitors a year.
  • Our visitors intend to purchase.
  • We are one of the longest running business directories online
  • We have page rank and authority that is only reserved for top websites and directories
  • We offer affordable advertising options that return real value to business owners.
  • As an ADDED BONUS  we extend your ad to ezad’s growing network of websites for FREE.

Your advertisement will run on and will syndicate to our entire ezad network of sites; giving you exposure to even more consumers looking for businesses just like yours!

We provide this extra value to our YellowPageCity customers at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE.

We truly want your business to be found!

Does YellowPageCity offer professional design services?

Yes.  We’ve been designing, developing and hosting business listings, logos, videos, websites and more for nearly 2 decades.

If there’s something you need help with to enhance your business listing or your online presence, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your needs.

We offer quality services at affordable prices.  Check out some of our additional services here:

View Additional Services

How long does it take for my order to process?

In most cases your business listings & banner ads will be live within 5 business days from the day your order is received.

If you ordered professional services such as logo design, video production or web development, please allow approximately 2 weeks to complete your order.

After purchase you will receive an on-boarding document that prompts you for the information needed to complete your order.  Completing this in a timely fashion will help to expedite your order.

Don’t worry, our team is here to help and will optimize any of the necessary assets and publish your products according to the time frames above.

Are there discounts for multiple listings?

We’d be happy to extend a 10% discount to anyone who wishes to host 2 to 10 business listings with us.

If you have more than 10 locations, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss enterprise discounts and bulk on-boarding options.

What is ezad?

ezad turns the power of your brand, your products and your services into genuine customers looking to do businesses.

The ezad network is a growing collection of niche business directories; all designed with an intended purpose and audience.

The intention of every ezad site is to connect consumers looking for products, brands and services with local businesses that provide them.

Some of our sites include full directories like YellowPageCity or location based directories like yLocal.  While other sites like HomeTownDealz focuses on deals and special offers. Our highly ranked rCityWeb is the largest localized business listing link directory on the planet.

Other sites like AgentsView, UsGolfPages, LocalDentistryNow and AutoServicesNetwork focus on industry specific audiences and businesses.

We literally have millions of indexed pages in Google, Bing and Yahoo bringing quality, niche, intent-driven consumers to businesses JUST LIKE YOURS.

Long story short, the ezad network is the easiest place to place an ad and be seen everywhere.

visit to view entire network.