M & M Jig Grinding Inc.

2904 Scott Blvd Santa Clara CA 95054
M & M Jig Grinding Inc. of Santa Clara CA has over 25 years of experience as a machine shop. We offer precision grinding of tools, gages, and short run production parts to customers in the San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara areas. We are certified to meet your needs! At M & M Jig Grinding, we maintain customer service as our first priority. With our made-in-the-USA products and over 25 years of experience, we have the knowledge and skills to make sure your needs are met. Our professionals strive for quick turnarounds and high-quality workmanship at affordable prices.

Machine Shops
Precision Grinding Jig Grinding Surface Grinding ID/OD Grinding Jig Boring Wire EDM Sinker EDM Hole Popping
San Jose CA Santa Clara CA
Precision Grinding, Jig Grinding, Surface Grinding, ID Grinding, OD Grinding, Jig Boring, Wire EDM, Sinker EDM, Hole Popping